8 min read

12 Ancient Temples Of Kanpur : Exploring The Timeless Beauty And Spiritual Essence Of Kanpur’s Rich Heritage

Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Kanpur’s ancient temples. Discover the timeless beauty and profound spiritual essence as we take you on a journey through 12 magnificent temples that reflect the city’s rich heritage. Join us as we delve into the architectural marvels, cultural significance, and religious fervor that make these temples an integral part of Kanpur’s history.

9 min read

Behta Bujurg Temple: Discover The Mysterious Monsoon Temple | It predicts rainfall before 7 days

Moisture indicates light rain, while droplets on the roof mean proper rainfall. If the droplets start dripping, it signifies the arrival of good rain, and the canal won’t be dry. Another belief is that this temple is 4200 years old. It managed to survive when Muslim invaders damaged temples across the country, thanks to its secluded location. Worship has continued here since then.